Eight Streets Neighborhood Association

1 August 2001 Meeting Minutes

Greeting & Introductions/Open Discussion.

What with being August and all, this was a rather sparsely attended meeting. The fact that there were no pressing issues on the agenda may have contributed to this, but seven people did take the time to attend so the meeting was held and a lively, casual, interesting and impromptu discussion was enjoyed.

It was announced that the parking places in front of the BCA have been converted to eight handicapped spaces only temporarily. There is a month-long even at the BCA during August involving a large number of handicapped people. At the end of the month the spaces will revert to being just on HP space.

Now that we are official Alliance of Boston Neighborhood members, we need to gel-up our representation there. Ed Allen has been attending the meetings on an ad hoc basis and will do so until we have an official delegate.

The new South End Neighborhood Coalition is slowly moving towards being an official entity. Several people, including Eight Streets officers, have been involved in the process of planning a launch and of drafting/editing the new organization’s by-laws. The by-laws are available for input/discussion in a special section of South End Forum

Ground breaking for Atelier (Parcel 8) is scheduled (once again!) for this month. Druker CO. anticipates a 24 month construction schedule (but since they’re already 30 months behind schedule, we’ve opted not to hold out collective breaths).