Eight Streets Neighborhood Association

7 November 2001 Meeting Minutes

Greeting & Introductions.

Washington Gateway:

Sheila Grove of the Washington Gateway/Mainstreets gave a presentation on the program. She explained the collaborative effort between the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the City of Boston, Washington Gateway and the various developers and business interests. The goal of the organization is to revitalize the Washington Street corridor from Malnea Cass Blvd. To E. Berkeley St. This once vibrant district has experienced a significant renaissance with the help of the program.

Sheila invites all residents to visit the Washington Gateway office at 40 Waltham St. (right in Eight Streets!) to view the extensive material which they have on the initiatives under way.

Presentation of proposed addition to 282/284 Shawmut Ave:

James Kane (and his attorney) came before Eight Streets membership to seek support for changes to his properties at these addresses. The additions change a two story "el" to the full five stories while slightly reducing the depth. There are precedents along the same block.

There were over 40 residents in attendance and the support of the project was broad and enthusiastic. Vice President John MacLachlan will send a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals indicating that Eight Streets NA membership does not oppose the project.