Eight Streets Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes, 1 December 2004

Greeting & Introductions & Announcements:

Agenda items

an update on current Alliance of Boston Neighborhoods brought on a lengthy discussion of the BRA and Property taxes. More information on both topics can be found on the ABN Web Site.

Peters Park dog run

We had some discussion on the current developments in the dog park. In conjunction with th City Council trying to make rules to legitimize and establish dog parks throughout the city, some residents around the current dog run are taking legal steps to try to have the dog run shut down.

All comments on the dog park were positive. FoPP will keep Eight Streets up to date on any meetings that Peters Park will have concerning the dog run.

Spring Fair ideas

We continued discussions on idea for a spring fair. Talk concentrated on two basic concepts.

First, any spring fair type of event should have more active events. a 'tag sale' alone may attract people, but not keep them. We should also include vendors specific neighborhood interests - like having a plant vendor or the ward map guys. The day should also be filled with other activities, like a 'dog beauty pageant', dance lessons or a 'kid' activity to attract a family crowd. Maybe live music, and some food component should be included. Basically, we want to give people a reason to hang around for a while, rather than come and look and go home.

Second, we need to focus on presence. Getting the Eight Streets name out there. letting our community know we are here. Use it as an opportunity to get members, raise funds, and basically get Eight Streets on everyone's mind - both new and old residents.

There were many other suggestions made - many of which could be events unto themselves - not necessarily restricted to a 'spring fair'. We could continue with the 'pot luck' theme, but maybe have it a 'BBQ night' with grills & donated meats - or a 'bring your favorite takeout' pot luck night. Maybe ask Formaggio or Brix to have special 'eight streets' events in house. Again, anything to get our name out there as a presence.

We welcome new member John to the 'event' committee. The committee will meet amongst themselves to do some more planning. Anyone interest in joining them please let the president know. Anyone with some great ideas, feel free to post them to the neighborhood mailing list.