Streets Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting
March 1,
2006 - Minutes
and Announcements
- United South End Settlements: http://www.uses.org/ USES is a group whose mission is
to bring together resources of participants, the community, and the agency
to promote the stabilization and well-being of individuals and groups at
risk within the community, nurture personal growth and development, build
a sense of community, and foster an environment where all can thrive. The
group held a dinner last month with representatives from different
neighborhood associations, “Friends of” groups, etc with the purpose of
identifying common goals to see how the groups can work together.
546 Tremont
Street – Zoning Board
- Brian Gerson and John Shade of
546 Tremont St came to ESNA in order to gain support of ESNA for a multi
faceted residential construction project. They are requesting ESNA to
communicate support to the mayor’s office, ZBA, South End Landmarks, and
- Seek clarification on how to
support on how to appeal the provisos on the balconies
- Mr Gerson and Mr Shade’s
proposal contains 4 items: 1) replace the slate roof/ and rebuild roof and
dormers with slate back to original style. 2) change roofline on the back to extend the shed
dormer 3) gut and renovate the top floor 4) add three balconies to the top
three floors and the parlor level.
- Current status, as of Jan 24,
they had presented to ZBA and they have approved all aspects with 2
provisos: reduce the depth of balconies from 8 ft to 6 ft. and attach
balconies by brackets
- Landmarks has approved with
exceptions: change styling of shed dormer to style that is reminiscent of
styling that has been there before. Mr Gerson and Mr Shade have revised
architecture and are waiting for their approval. They have had an engineer
in to review the plans. At hired request, the engineer acknowledges that
to hang balconies off the back wall with brackets is an issue. It can’t
feasibly be done (they have seen others that have bracketed balconies and
it is pulling up wall/floor joists). So, they have engineers looking to
- Engineers have redesigned in
case they can’t do balconies. Alternative is to just do dormers on top so
it’s balanced.
- 7 Votes not opposing the construction. Letter sent to ZBA.
- Sandy Thibeault of Old Dover
Neighborhood Association, presented with John McLachlan on the renewal of
the multi-neighborhood association safety committee. The committee has gotten $5000
from Pine Street Inn to put towards safety and put programs together for
this summer, which is when there are typically more problems. Last year there was a lot of
vandalism on Washington and Perry St, break-ins, lewd behavior and drunks
hanging out in Peter’s Park where children frequently are. The Safety
Committee has also met with folks on Upton St who have had problems and
Carolyn McNeil (Boston Police, D4 Community Coordinator). Members from
Pine Street Inn held a reception to the neighborhood so that neighbors get
better understand Pine Street Inn. They cautioned the neighbors that
residents really should not try to “take care of it individually” but
should call the main number (617) 892-9100. Budget
cuts in the BPD have reduced the amount of people who can respond. Chris
Wells is trying to get other communities/neighborhood associations to
communicate on goals amongst each other. Topic came up of “How do we do fundraising so that we
can do more to keep the community safe?” The Pine Street Inn representation and Carolyn McNeil are
willing to help come up with some options but would like neighborhood
ideas as well. The idea of the Safety Committee is to have 2-3 individuals
from each of the NAs to get together once a month to put ideas into