November 5, 2008 Eight Streets Neighborhood Association Meeting





·      Boston had 61.5% participation in voting.   Local results should be available next week.   Mayor and City Councilor to be elected in 2009!!!


·      New web site is up -


·      You can now PAY DUES on the web site with Paypal!! Go to the web site and click on Membership in the left hand menu.   Please renew your memberships for 2008-2009


·      Berkeley Fence construction continues


·      Christmas trees will again be sold at Berkeley Garden.   Expect setup around mid month.   Any problems with lighting or noise, please contact us.   And, of course, support the garden by buying your Christmas Trees there!!!




Geno Ranaldi (developer)/Mark Doherty (agent) - developers of 24 Hanson street.   They are turning the old Hope House into condos - two triplexes.    They came before Eight Streets to see support for two rear decks; one at parlor level and one on the second floor. Decks plan to be 6.5' deep and the width of the entire building. They have to be as wide as the building to connect to fire neighboring fire escapes on adjoining buildings on either side. Decks will be cantilevered - so no posts will be erected.   Outer brackets will "look nice".


Gino had met with abutters and there were no issues.    Owner of 22 Hanson was there who gave their support.    Other general project construction questions were asked and answered.


Eight Streets voted to not oppose Gino's request to add said two decks to 24 Hanson.   Letter to be sent to ZBA after they have gotten a hearing date and case number.