December 2011
Eight Streets Neighborhood Association Meeting
5 and 21 Dwight st
Rob Ferris, Developer, gave us an update on the construction of 5 Dwight street, which is now in it's final phases. He also asked for out support for a groundwater recharge plan for 21 Dwight street. This includes a standard recharging system to be placed in the rear of the building. The plans had already been seen and approved by the Groundwater Trust and Boston Water & Sewer. A letter was send to the ZBA supporting the groundwater plan.
251 Shawmut Avek
Sean Kennedy and Dave Watson, new owners of 251 Shawmut, came before the neighborhood to seek support for changes to the building as part of a complete renovation. Included are
There was plenty of discussion on the building and the changes presented. The neighborhood had no problems with any of the cosmetic changes. Most of the discussion centered around the request to remove the commercial space.
251 Shawmut is in a small commercial zone of Eight Streets on Shawmut ave. Residents feel the commercial spaces bring vibrancy and 'livability' to the neighborhood, and did not want to lose the commercial opportunity that the existing storefront provided us. There were some residents who supported the zonging change were more concerned that the project would not happen without the change in zoning, and didn't want the building to continue to remain vacant.
By majority vote of residents present, the neighborhood voted to not oppose the cosmetic changes, but to oppose the change of occupancy. A Letter was sent to ZBA.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting Tuesday, January 4th