December 2012
Eight Streets Neighborhood Association Meeting
Urbanity Dance
– Lyndsi Pace
Our neighbors at 280 Shawmut, Urbanity Dance came to tell us about themselves. They are not only a dance company, they also hold community workshops and open dance classes. Please visit their web site at for more information!
54 Dwight st – The Devlins
The Devlins have purchased 54 Dwight street, and would like to change the zoning from single family to 2 family. They plan to live in the upper floors, and turn the lower floors into their own unit. They made a short presentation and took question from the members present.
Eight Streets voted to not oppose the roof deck and modified rear deck as discussed at the meeting.
Neighborhood Security
– Officer Rich Lottor
Officer Littor stopped by to discuss neighborhood and alley security. Ofr. Littor and Sgt. Provenzano have been working with residents Mike Almond and Victor DŐAmbrosio to make the Milford/Dwight alley more secure. Local contractor Rob Ferris is also lending a hand, offering contractor advice and helping navigate city hall. (Mike did the great work of leading a cleanup of the alley this past summer).
There is a current effort to make the alley safer. Rob and Mike are working on design and (soon) fundraising to rebuild the metal gate on the Tremont end of the alley that is currently falling apart. Officer Littlor gave some tips on how alleys can be made safer. These include
á Keeping the alley clean of excess brush and overhanging trees. These can block lighting from reaching the alley and/or offer shadows where bad guys can hang out
á Add the building number to the rear of all buildings. If you call in an emergency, responders need a way to find your home. Without house numbers on the read of buildings, first responders will waste valuable time trying to ÔcountŐ their way down the alley to try and find your home.
á Secure your gates! Make sure they cannot be opened form the outside without some kid of key.
á Lighting – finding a way to light your yard or alley can make it a safer place. Just be sure that while lighting your property, you donŐt blind your neighbors with high wattage stadium lighting :)
And, most important, maintain a see-something, say-something attitude. If you see anything in your alley that looks suspicious, call 9-1-1 and let them know whatŐs going on.
General discussion
General discussion continued on the subject of safety. Several residents form the Taylor/Dwight area brought up the increased drug use and open selling of drugs in that area of the neighborhood. Apparently the drug issue police are combatting in the Washington/Berkeley area ahs come across the park and has started moving into Eight Streets. Residents complained of open drug sales, and frequently finding people in doorways or dark corners.
BPD is aware of the issue, but doesnŐt have the manpower it used to, and at present canŐt get more officers into the area. Officers Littor and Provenzano have personally stepped up patrols in that area, and will work with residents to try to make the area more secure.
Residents are again asked to call 9-1-1 (617-3434-911 from a cell phone) when they see problems in the area. Even if a car is not dispatched, the call is logged, and makes it to the daily/weekly/monthly reports. If the higher ups see an increase of calls in an area, they are more likely to allocate police resources to the trouble spot. Remember to not approach anyone directly. Wait until you feel safe and report what happened. Remember to be very observant. How many people? Can you describe their age? Race? Height? Weight? What kind of clothes were they wearing? Chances are they have walked off if they see you call, but the descriptions can help police find them elsewhere in the neighborhood, or can associate the people you call about with potentially other trouble seen in the neighborhood.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting Wednesday, January 9th, at Boston ballet