June 2013 Eight Streets Neighborhood Association Meeting







Franklin Cafe – Elliot Parkhurst, representative


The Franklin seeks to change the licensed capacity of the Franklin to be 65 patrons.


In 2002 the Franklin Cafˇ requested, and was granted, a license to increase capacity form 40 to 65 persons.   However, Boston regulations state that the applicant must physically go to city hall and physically pick up the piece of paper – Boston does not US mail them out.  Management at the time did not pick up that piece of paper, so legally their capacity went back down to 40.  Management proceeded as if capacity was 65, as they believe it had been granted.  It was only recently, as management went through their paperwork that they noticed the license mix-up, and therefore have to re-apply for the increased capacity.


The Franklin has been operating under the assumption they had a licensed capacity of 65 people.   Should this motion pass and the license again be granted, there will be no more patrons at the Franklin than there has been over the last 10 years.


After his presentation there was discussion amongst the attendees, which included several residents of Shawmut avenue.   ESNA voted to not oppose the increase of capacity.  A letter was sent to the licensing board.


10 Bond St  Dennis Quilty, Attorney


The owners of 10 Bond are seeking approval for a roof deck on the rear L of the building.


The neighbors at 8 Bond gave a long history of the building, including the fact that the building has changed hands, and promises made by previous owners were never kept.   8 Bond also mentioned several permitting and construction problems that had come up during the renovation a few years ago.    Currently, the owner does not live in the building.


After questions and some debate, the neighborhood voted unanimously to not send any letter of support on the roofdecks.


294 Shawmut Ave – Karl Nurse, owner


Mr. Nurse wishes to add 3 floors onto the existing L on the rear of his building, making it a total of 5 floors (as seen from the rear).   After Mr. Nurse described his proposal the abutters at 296 Shawmut expressed their concerns.  They were worried that much of their light would be blocked, as the addition would extend past their bay windows.  They also had privacy concerns due to windows being added to the extension that would face their own living space windows.


After questions and additional discussion, Mr. Nurse withdrew his request for neighborhood support, and agreed to meet with his neighbors to work out their differences.   Mr. Nurse also offered to hold an open house on July 19, where any neighbor could come by and see the current renovations taking place. 



Meeting adjourned.  Next meeting Wednesday, September 4th, at Boston Ballet