Eight Streets Nov 6th meeting minutes
Neighborhood updates
ESNA Planning: Committees, Street Captains and activities for the coming year.
Open member discussion
1. New Mayor Elect
2. 37% turn out for our precinct, 3,800 registered votes
a. Walsh: 25
b. Connolly: 75
3. Bill Linehan Elected
4. Nov 23 Boston Shines Fall Cleanup
5. 80 East Berkley, supposed to be at this meeting, no word if the design has changed, donÕt know if theyÕll be at the December meeting
6. Looking to get a line of speakers in for future meetings starting in December
ESNA Goals
á Neighborhood Improvements
á Trash
á Membership
á Social Events
á Safety
á Local Businesses & Associations
á City Liaison
Who would like to serve on one of these meetings?
Who would like to be a street captain?
What does a street captain do?
New ideas for:
Water & Sewer ÒFlood CommitteeÓ: useful to have Tomas Bagly come in from Water and Sewer
a. Boston Ground Water Committee
b. Jim Steinkraus also a good contact for Water & Sewer
c. Lateral lines
d. John Sullivan: Historical presentation and great resource
e. Phil LaRocca
Community Gardens: Standards for design and enclosures
a. 27 Dwight
b. Claire Corcharan
c. Diana Presley: City Councilor
d. History of Berkeley Street Gardens: Have a Summer meeting where we walk through and discuss the evolution of the Garden
e. Peter Crighton: Trustees of the Reservation, BN&A
Ringold Park
a. Friends of Ringold Park
b. Rejuvinate the Friends Committee
c. Michelle Woo: Gayle to contact her
Membership ideas:
1. Boiler plate letter to be sent out from street captains
2. New people can be contacted by way of ÒBanker and TradesmanÓ comes out every week (weekly publication)
3. Divide your street and contact your neighborÕs
LetÕs bring Membership as a topic of discussion to December meeting
Recruitment of Street CaptainsÕ: Assigned
Neighborhood Improvements: Emily
Trash: Unassigned
Membership: Ted & Rob & Ron
Social Events: Jodi
Safety: Bernard & Gayle
Local Businesses & Associations: Ted, Rob, Ron
City Liaison: John & Rob
Michael: Took list of who we currently for volunteers have and who we want to approach.
Shawmut and Tremont missing
Contacts through Public records
Next meeting Dec 4th