Meeting minutes – November 2014


We had a good meeting with a compact group of individuals. Meeting notes: 


1. Gail Suyemoto raised concerns that the new "on site" approval process was not adequate (no clear decision making process etc) and requested that ESNA continue to ask developers to come to meetings to seek approvals (over and above the "on site" meetings with Jordan Deasy). 


2. Alley Clean Up November 22. Hanson-Milford-Dwight alleys confirmed for Boston Shines weekend. Michael will circulate flier. John to liaise with the City. Ted to print 100 copies for Michael to distribute to abutters. 


Alley Clean Up in Spring. Proposed cross-alleys behind Bond, Ringgold etc assuming we have sponsors from the abutting properties


3. Ted reviewed our finances (+$5K in the bank account). He will send out an e-mailer to renew annual memberships. 


4. Gail provided an overview of the local crime report. She suggested inviting the new D4 Community Service Sergeant to the next meeting. John, any preference for December or January? 


5. Eve Ward suggested we develop a "post card" flier to welcome new neighbors. We mentioned that we developed "reasons to join" ESNA last year. Eve volunteered to liaise with Bernard on taking our existing information and converting into a high quality post card/marcoms material 


6. Don Weber suggested we do some daffodil planting in the neighborhood. He is now under contract to help maintain Ringgold Park through the winter months  


7. Should we have a regular 5 minutes Q&A slot for Jordan and James at future ESNA meetings? Opportunity for them to talk about what is happening at the City level and to address Q&A from attendees. 


8. We talked about the ESNA Website and Facebook. Only 2 people knew about the Facebook page. John, do you want to provide an overview of the Blog and FB at the next meeting to create more awareness of what you are posting? 


9. Gail suggested we act more proactively on Watson Park and she volunteered to coordinate a group of interested neighbors to lobby the City and departments.


10. Others suggestions for ESNA activities: Carol singing, local charity sponsorships


11. Next Meeting: December 9