Halloween in the City

It starts with a party. Ringgold park hosts a Halloween costume party early on Halloween night. Both Parents and Kids dress up and become part of the fun. Adults chat while the kids play. Friends of Ringgold usually get some snacks donated.
The one place more Halloweenie than Ringgold park is Waltham Street. Neighbors out-do each other with Halloween decorations, making for a spooky street. Waltham residents usually get the street shut down for a period to make the area safe for kids.
Trick or Treating
Kids aren't going to go up and down brownstone steps ringing bells - so residents who want to give out candy usually hang out on their stoops and give out candy there. Usually several units in a building will hang out together, or single stoops might combine and hang out together while giving out treats. A Great way to meet your neighbors while having a spooky night!
Have a fun and safe Halloween!!